Partner mode, social sharing and cross-border platform help agents and stores easily drain

Global Shicui is a brand owned by Hangzhou kushicui e-commerce Co., Ltd. It is a professional supplier of overseas mother and baby and genuine beauty products. It adopts the distribution mode to support the distribution and customer management of multiple sales roles. Customers include more than 20000 registered retail members, as well as more than 1000 major customers, including purchasing agents and offline entities. In order to benefit retail customers, the retail price tends to the price of large customers (which can be considered as the wholesale price), which is favored by retail customers and won a large number of fans. After many market surveys and comparisons, we finally chose to build a social distribution system with Youyi city. At the front end of sales, another city creates an independent app for global Shicui agent purchasing, realizes the independent management of members and orders, and also creates a client app for retail customers to support retail customers' online shopping. Then, with the help of back-end ERP, successfully get through the membership, orders and other data of front-end agent app and client app, so as to realize the integration and unified management of global Shicui retail and key customers. It is worth mentioning that in order to expand the sales scale, universal Shicui started partner recruitment to expand the sales force.

Social content has greatly enhanced the stickiness of 20000 retail customers and brands

At present, drainage has become a problem for many retailers. In the global era, drainage becomes easier. Relying on the existing 1000 major customers to develop the sales guide, the sales guide has completed the app to absorb as many as 20000 members. Ms. Li, an office worker, is a super member of global Shicui app. Ms. Li bought cosmetics and shared them with her colleagues when the goods arrived. Colleagues who feel cost-effective and interested in products will take the initiative to ask Ms. Li for product links, register and place orders in the client app [global time essence], and the drainage will be completed naturally. Ms. Li will also watch the latest overseas life, experience and knowledge, global good goods and other information pushed in the client app [global time essence] for the first time. Through social content interaction, global Shicui not only greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of new customers to buy and share recommendations, but also greatly improved the stickiness between customers and brands.

Recruiting partners, social sharing through the shopping guide app, and planting grass with local characteristics

At present, there are generally two ways for brands to expand their business: direct marketing and franchise. The direct marketing can be called the "separation technique" of the brand. Although it can ensure the quality of services and products, it needs the company's own efforts. There is great pressure on both capital and personnel; Joining is different. It can save money, people and trouble, but it can't guarantee unified standards in quality. If it's not good, it's easy to smash the signboard. There is a more suitable way to expand brand stores - partnership system came into being. The partners of the global shopping guide recruitment platform allow partners to use the shopping guide app in their own name to channel and promote goods with the help of social sharing. In addition, they can also push the boutique recommended version applet and H5 information special page to reach more customers to earn commission. The Commission is calculated according to the commodity Commission of 4% - 5%. At present, the commodities on the app are 500 cross-border beauty mother and baby products that sell well in various countries. In the future, the proportion of commodity Commission will be increased for new general trade products according to the product profit.

It is worth mentioning that the shopping guide app also provides recommendation of featured goods for distribution, and sets reasonable and competitive prices. Get part of the profits of recommended goods. For example, a partner in Jiaxing has a supply channel of Jiaxing zongzi and hopes to sell the products on the platform, the platform will set a reasonable price and share according to the quality of the products, which will be distributed by the partner, and the partner will guarantee the quality of the products.

In order to enable partners to focus on getting customers and earning commissions in the front, global Shicui is in the rear to help partners make full preparations. The company provides a full set of platform publicity documents and pictures. Partners only enjoy QR code for publicity and promotion, and fan customers are bound to partner account numbers for independent management.

Cross border ERP all channels connect with the customs quickly, and the goods can be received quickly

In order to provide convenient services to consumers and shorten the distance between consumers and high-quality goods. Global Shicui now goes deep into the retail network and has built logistics systems such as domestic bonded warehouse and overseas direct mail warehouse. With the help of quanqutong cross-border ERP, it not only quickly connects with the customs system to realize smooth customs clearance, but also connects with online app to realize data collaboration such as members, orders and commodities. After the order is generated by app, the order is integrated to the overseas warehouse through quanqutong for delivery. The goods can be delivered to consumers after being cleared by the customs clearance company. The whole process takes only about 15 days. Due to the removal of middlemen, consumers can really enjoy global overseas shopping products quickly and at a low price.

In fact, grassroots entrepreneurship is not difficult. The important thing is to find the right platform, open stores independently and build your own brand. Then with the help of social marketing to improve sales is just around the corner.

Neoole Group Co., Ltd.
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