Core Business Format and Model

Core business types and models include: Neoole Port, Neoole Innovation Industrial Park, Neoole industrial base, Neoole cross-border e-commerce platform, Neoole duty-free special zone, digital Neoole and fashion flash store. 

● Neoole Port 

Neoole asset operation, commercial asset appreciation, stock transformation, operation upgrading and high operation value. 

● Neoole Innovation Industrial Park

Investment in Neoole Industrial Park, demonstration of new retail park, new urban construction, comprehensive upgrading of business models and great economic benefits. 

● Neoole Industrial Base 

Neoole industrial chain integration, whole industry chain integration, M & A, commodity supply system, industrial chain upgrading and strong industrial driving.

● Neoole cross border e-commerce platform

Neoole new retail operation, e-commerce industry interconnection, cross-border e-commerce, online live broadcasting and complete marketing system. 

● Neoole tax free zone

Offline retail of Neoole, commercial upgrading of Neoole, direct access to free trade zone, outlying island Tax Exemption / departure tax exemption, industrial linkage

● Digital Neoole 

Franchise license, asset digitization, management right digitization, cultural creativity, IP value digitization and intellectual property financialization. 

● Fashion flash store

Mainly engaged in the sales of small commodities, including cosmetics, light luxury goods, fashion brands, popular models, etc. 

1、 Neoole Port


Neoole port is one of the core products of Neoole. It mainly carries out upgrading and professional operation for the existing assets of the government and society, covering an area of 100000-500000 square meters. By fully tapping the regional economic characteristics and potential, grafting the capital enrichment resources and resource advantages of Neoole, enabling international professional teams to carry out transformation planning and design, selecting international and domestic top companies for location research and market analysis and judgment, customized matching brand resources and business formats, and accurately building a cross-border e-commerce platform integrating Neoole, international famous products exhibition and service hall. Neoole port, which integrates the functions of exhibition hall of top luxury brands, designer brand hall, new sales center (including fashion products, daily necessities, luxury brands, etc.), Neoole sharing center, online live broadcast center, online network platform, super big V studio, brand video production center, shared wisdom Office Center and experiential business supporting facilities. 

The average transformation cycle of Neoole port is 8-12 months. According to the size of the project, the specific conditions of the main transformation body and surrounding environmental facilities, the investment is 1-5 billion yuan. After completion and operation, the expected annual output value is 5-25 billion yuan. 

The successful operation of the Neoole port project will contribute an annual comprehensive tax of RMB 500-2.5 billion to the local government, directly and indirectly provide a large number of jobs, drive the development of local culture, tourism, hotels and other service industries, effectively improve the level of modern service industry in the project area, boost the upgrading of consumption, and bring and vividly show the new ole concept and fashionable new life to the local society. The Neoole port is bound to become a new business card for the international development of local cities. 

2、 Neoole Innovation Industrial Park


Through rich industrial clusters and new retail scenes of Neoole O2O, the Neoole Innovation Industrial Park will build a collection of new ole cross-border e-commerce platform, international famous products exhibition and service center, top luxury brand exhibition and service center, designer brand Museum, designer brand incubation center, Neoole sharing center, online stars live broadcast center, super big V studio, online Red incubation base, brand video production center International Convention and Exhibition Center, brand activity center, shared wisdom office center, new retail service center, cross-border warehousing and logistics center, Neoole business school, Neoole brand culture boutique hotel, high-end talent apartment and experiential business support. 

As one of the important products of Neoole products, Neoole Innovation Industrial Park, according to the specific situation of the project, the volume ranges from 500000-2 million square meters, the transformation + construction cycle is 3-5 years, the expected investment is 5-20 billion yuan, the expected annual output value is 25-100 billion yuan, and the annual comprehensive tax contribution to the project site is 2.5-10 billion yuan. It will also inject strong new impetus into the local economy, effectively expand social employment, improve the level of regional modern service industry, quickly enhance the international influence of urban brands, stimulate the linkage development of local commerce, culture, science and technology, tourism, foreign trade, services and other related industries, promote consumption upgrading and promote urban and regional economic development. 

As an organic part of the Neoole system, Neoole new retail innovation industrial park will also inject strong new impetus into the local economy, effectively expand social employment, significantly increase taxes, improve the level of regional modern service industry, rapidly enhance the international influence of urban brands, and stimulate the linkage development of local commerce, culture, science and technology, tourism, foreign trade, services and other related industries, Promote consumption upgrading and promote urban and regional economic development. 

3、 Neoole Industrial Base


Relying on the rich resources of shareholders, create an ecological closed loop of the whole industrial chain of Neoole, from brand incubation, design, production, processing to trade, warehousing, logistics to exhibition, experience, sales and Expo. In addition to covering the top 20 business forms of Neoole Innovation Industrial Park, the industrial base will extend the unique business forms of new ole industrial base, such as brand processing and production base, brand trade distribution base, designer brand incubation base, boutique garment design and R & D base, international modern service community and so on. 

The site selection area of Neoole industrial base is 2-5 million square meters, the expected investment is 20-50 billion yuan, the expected annual output value is 100-250 billion yuan, and the construction cycle is 5-10 years. 

Conforming to China's basic national policy of opening to the outside world, joining the ranks of "going global" in building a new pattern of all-round opening up and promoting China's deep integration into the world economic system is not only an exploration and practice of the integration and reconstruction of the whole pan retail industry chain, but also an important measure in response to the Chinese government's decision to expand and deepen opening to the outside world, It will be of great and far-reaching strategic significance in strengthening China's and even global industrial coordinated development and economic and trade cooperation. 

4、 Neoole cross border e-commerce platform


The Neoole cross-border e-commerce platform is built by Sharingtone E-commerce Co., Ltd. through the new o2o mode, diversified combination of online and offline consumption scenarios, breaking through the bottleneck of upstream and downstream supply chain, so as to achieve the effect of using the least social resources and creating greater value output. It is the backbone of Neoole's practice. 

Neoole has many international and domestic first-line signing star resources; local governments provide funds, venues and support policy resources to attract Neoole to select and landing. 

Innovative business model of Neoole cross-border e-commerce platform: create VR and AR virtual immersive experience shopping mode, which can realize a variety of shopping and experience modes favored by young people, such as virtual shopping, real shopping, virtual fitting, arbitrary change, multiple choices, one click payment and so on; create a brand-new o2o cross-border e-commerce model, directly purchase the seasonal authentic products of tens of thousands of brands around the world through the endorsement of European Union, trace the source and prevent counterfeiting, carry out online and offline multi scene and multi-channel sales with the help of Sharingtone cross-border e-commerce platform, highlight the use of current mainstream live broadcasting channels and live broadcasting resources, as well as the experiential sales model of offline famous products exhibition service hall and designer brand hall; Create Neoole live IP mode, that is, through multi-dimensional combination of human, goods and field resources, produce a large number of self owned IP, which brings greater advantages to Neoole's sales differentiation and competitive differentiation, including: first-line stars + first-line brands are combined into star IP products, and online stars + designer brands are combined into online stars IP products; Create a brand-new member sharing equity model. Through the design of member equity model and the application of digital Neoole block-chain technology, realize the behavior value sharing model of member consumption as income.

Neoole is responsible for connecting brand resources, selecting products, opening up cross-border warehousing and logistics channels, and supporting various modes such as general trade commodities and cross-border bonded commodities. Build a headquarters level and project level platform structure, and customize the sub platform of the project company according to the project landing city, landing mode, scale and localization deployment.

5、 Digital Neoole


Digital Neoole will follow the four main digital economy application planning directions of enabling Neoole's business and related industries, the industrialized development of trusted business digital, the digital co governance management of value economy platform, and the digital sharing and win-win realization of membership rights and interests of the whole ecological platform, in accordance with application driven, scene integration, financial innovation and development Iterative overall planning and other development principles, innovate to create a value Internet that absorbs the characteristics of consumer Internet, surpasses the shortcomings of consumer Internet and integrates the functions of industrial Internet, and create a revolutionary shared digital new economy ecological platform that surpasses the traditional commodity centered e-commerce and mall centered mall network. This is a "shared digital Neoole value economy" with Neoole as the core sovereign node, integrating many new ole alliance members such as various consumer members, channel members, service members, supply chain members, industry members, brand members and partner members, and also a block chain e-commerce shared digital economy ecological platform. 

6、 Neoole tax free zone


With the continuous promotion of comprehensively deepening reform and the establishment of Shanghai Free Trade Zone, some new trade models and innovative regulatory models have been tested and began to be copied and popularized. 

With its own advantages, Neooley has built a one-stop shopping paradise - "duty-free special zone" in key cities in China, so that mainland tourists can enjoy departure treatment without going out of customs. Neoole tax-free special zone is a new business form under the Neoole model. It forms complementary advantages and resources through vigorous cooperation with the government and industry partners. The new ole duty-free special zone will gather the world's most famous and popular brand products and gather the world's famous products under one eaves, Create a luxurious, noble, friendly and comfortable shopping environment. At the same time, each store has distinct personality and reflects local characteristics. The duty-free special zone ensures the high quality of high-quality products through close cooperation with major brands. 

Members of Neoole duty-free zone also enjoy the membership rights and interests of sharing income, and 100% of the global service assurance system. 

The special duty-free zone is an integral part of the duty-free industry. The implementation of the Neoole special duty-free zone will promote the consumption of overseas tourists and domestic products to the world. It helps to lower the threshold of China's luxury consumption market, improve the internal sales system of the industry, help China's tourism retail industry form a complete industrial chain, and promote the maturity of high-end retail industry. 

7、 Fashion flash store 


It is jointly built by duty-free shop group, China Travel Service Group, China Service duty-free shop and airport duty-free shop, and has reached a long-term cooperation agreement with three major oil groups such as PetroChina, Sinopec and CNOOC, authorizing Neoole to invest in the construction of fashion duty-free shops in more than 100000 oil stations, mainly engaged in the sales of small commodities, including cosmetics, light luxury goods, fashion brands with explosive style, etc.

Neoole Group Co., Ltd.
Address: 31st floor, Chow Tai Fook financial center, No.6, Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou, China
TEL: + 86 20 88835055
@ Neoole Group Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.