How far can we go to unlock the four business models of fresh e-commerce and "counter attack"?

In 2019, the fresh food industry experienced a wave of "life and death", layoffs, store closures and closures... However, not long after 2020, the fresh food industry surged again and ushered in vitality. The epidemic pushed the fresh food industry to the forefront of the storm“ Standing at the tuyere, pigs can fly into the sky. "But is it the tuyere or the limelight? How far can the "counter attack" of fresh e-commerce go? Not yet known.

In the first quarter of 2020, Alibaba, Fengwang and other giants increased their investment in the fresh food field, Sinopec, country garden and other cross-border strong forces broke in, and industry leaders such as American cuisine and dingdong began to expand their business and want to end B and end C in one pot. The original black horse unicorn "stupid Radish" began bankruptcy and reorganization. Some are standing at the tuyere, some are dying silently, and the industry is full of ice and fire!

Among them, the fresh e-commerce represented by fresh home experienced a blowout. Questmobile data show that the Mau of fresh home in the month after the Spring Festival is close to 70 million, compared with 44 million in the same period last year. At the same time, the daily per capita use times and duration increase by more than 20%. Therefore, compared with other e-commerce industries, fresh e-commerce has higher requirements for the stability of application system performance and internal cooperation of business system.

1. The younger label attribute of fresh e-commerce users shows that users have high requirements for app experience;

2. In the fierce market competition, there are many replaceable apps, which means that it may face the risk of loss of users at any time;

3. The market changes rapidly, and the iteration cycle of online systems such as app is short. The business department can keep up with the speed of rapid iteration only by timely obtaining accurate and perfect data analysis of each iteration version.

Timely optimization of the above problems is very important for the transformation of user traffic into stable stock during the outbreak of fresh e-commerce and continuous innovation. Now, fresh e-commerce is in the period of mode exploration and rapid development, and user consumption habits are gradually formed. In the future, the fresh industry will retreat if it does not advance.

First: integrated e-commerce platform

Such e-commerce does a full range of categories, such as Taobao, tmall, Suning Tesco, etc. these large e-commerce platforms have their own special fresh areas. The advantages of large platforms are very obvious. The purpose of engaging in fresh food is more to increase the stickiness of consumption, because it is difficult for fresh food to make profits in the short term. Its mode is mainly to attract fresh food manufacturers to settle on their own platform. The settled merchants are responsible for cold chain distribution, and the platform is only responsible for supervision. The distribution of fresh food is a strategic loss category for them.

★ advantages:

1. The advantage of inlet flow, which is difficult for other platforms to achieve.

2. Users of integrated e-commerce have developed good online shopping habits. They are loyal users of online shopping, with high conversion rate and.

3. The supply chain is strong. These comprehensive e-commerce companies are big guys. With abundant funds, they can use the vertical model to build the supply chain system. For example: base cooperation and logistics system.

4. Meet customer needs. Comprehensive e-commerce owns a full range of products, which can meet 90% of consumers' needs. Users can not only buy vegetables and fruits on the platform, but also buy household appliances and daily necessities.

5. Price advantage. It can help suppliers sell products quickly or sell products at high prices. The fresh e-commerce platform also reduces the purchase cost through batch purchase, which can reduce the unit price of products.

Second: logistics e-commerce platform

The logistics e-commerce platform is represented by SF, which plays the largest express army in China and has the best consumer trust, and has obvious advantages in the logistics field. SF express can be well combined with SF hey stores. At present, SF has more than 500 SF hey stores in 70 cities across the country, which is also an obvious advantage for SF to choose community o2o.

★ advantages:

Logistics providers, logistics is very fast and have formed many user fans. However, the initial promotion cost of SF optimization is high, and it needs to be continuously optimized in the field of e-commerce.

Third: vertical E-commerce

Such enterprises specialize in online food retail, such as,,, etc. Focus on fresh products and build their own cold chain distribution system. This type of fresh e-commerce focuses on the quality of life and ensures high-end and high-quality fresh food.

★ advantages

1. User centric. Because it is vertical, it focuses on fresh users. As long as users are satisfied with the service or product, the loss of users is relatively small.

2. Focus on operations. These e-commerce platforms are better than integrated e-commerce platforms in operation. After all, with the user as the center, we can interact well with users through operation, understand the profound needs of users and meet them.

Fourth: community supermarket o2o

Represented by Wal Mart and Yonghui supermarket. Relying on offline physical stores, users can quickly deliver goods to the door by ordering orders on their mobile phones.

For such enterprises, the network is only a promotion way. It uses the radiation range of the store for distribution, which reduces the cost and shortens the distribution cycle, but most businesses are still offline. Relying on offline physical stores, users can quickly deliver goods to the door by ordering orders on their mobile phones.

★ advantages

1. Community delivery is very convenient and can be completed in 5 minutes. There is no need to worry about cold chain problems and logistics problems.

2. Community supermarkets and fresh physical stores are around users and have a certain degree of trust.

3. Third, it is very convenient for users to purchase offline or online, but online can be more convenient, fast and preferential.

4. The owners of community supermarkets and fresh physical stores can also purchase goods better according to user orders and data.

Fresh food has always been a hot area of capital and social concern under the tuyere of consumption upgrading and new retail. Ali has a box of fresh horses, JD has 7fresh, and Suning has Su fresh. At the same track, there are also beautiful dishes, dingdong, Yiguo fresh, Tiantian orchard, etc. In the future, the beach fighting of fresh e-commerce will be more intense.

With the Internet of users' consumption habits, how far the "counter attack road" of fresh e-commerce can go depends on the Internet operation ability of enterprises. FEC chopsticks cloud information, as the leader of fresh supply chain software, continues to provide more fresh enterprises with information and digital transformation solutions to help more fresh practitioners improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase revenue. Chopsticks cloud will adhere to the guidance of Internet technology, provide strong backing for the development of fresh industry, and empower agricultural digital economy with science and technology and software.

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