Ten, WeChat official account for retail is a false proposition?

Centralized tmall, jd.com and other platforms are becoming more and more difficult to do. Decentralized retail has been very popular in recent years. Many enterprises have built their own micro mall, set up their own team and do retail, but they find that they can't do it? Why?

Official account is the official account. If every manufacturer makes a public number, then for our consumers, every product, today's paper, tomorrow's pen, tomorrow's bottle, soy sauce, and so on, should be entered from different public entrance. Is it too troublesome, you can't remember, so this is an unrealistic thing! 90% of the official account is not established. What 10% of the cases are true?

First: store

There is a store next to me. I bought their things. Then I go online to buy his things. There is no problem paying attention to them online. For example, the seal canteen downstairs is familiar to us and will take the initiative to pay attention.

The second: media and we media.

He is a senior media, we media, for example, health management and weight loss. In fact, this is also established. He provided services to me.

The third kind: it has personality characteristics, unique brand value and dead powder.

The product is too characteristic, too attractive, unique and unique brand value. I'm his dead powder. It's possible. I won't cancel him.

Fourth: membership, privilege system

I'm a member of his family. I have a member privilege system. This thing was established.

Therefore, only using WeChat and official account for retail sales, 90% is not true.

No chance, false proposition!!!

What about the 90% of enterprises? Do they not have to survive or do business?


These enterprises, they are just factories, they have not directly faced C client, but today they are fooling them Internet plus connect. How can he find his customers? He didn't have this resource. He came to retail, and finally the team didn't have confidence!

The reason why these enterprises still exist is that their products are still competitive! Originally, there are channels to sell their products! What to do is to improve the efficiency of its channels. Using tools to help channels do dynamic sales is to do wholesale. Through a system to manage the primary and secondary dealer system, dealers can be more efficient. Dealers can be a channel, a store, a we media platform and a personal wechat business. They can order on the platform. The number and quality of dealers increase, and the turnover naturally increases!

At the same time, dealers can do retail on the platform. So why does the proposition that dealers go to retail hold? The dealer has its own offline store, and we forget one thing. What is it? In fact, for each of us who has more than 300 wechat friends, his wechat itself is a store. Remember, behind the dealer, people, wechat, this wechat is a store, this mobile phone, this wechat, he is a store, His store has the same effect as our offline stores, so retail is established, so we have the logic of our system. Behind this dealer is an individual, and people are a store. It doesn't matter whether such a wechat store or an offline experience store. Today, our manufacturer is carrying out another activity, and the circle of friends is forwarding this information. The retail members and customers will be awakened by this information to know the products and be awakened by this store. For example, I passed by offline stores and fruit stores. I was awakened by information and activities and went in to buy some fruit.

People, 50% of their purchases are not self-conscious. They don't sell when they have to buy. They see some product information and the stimulation of some activities. They have a sense of consciousness, right! When I pass through this store, the online information and offline experience evoke my purchase action. Similarly, this person sends a message in the circle of friends, and he will also evoke the purchase action. Our system is just a tool, so the tool transformation is this person to let them do retail, but 90% of the manufacturers directly go to this retail are false propositions, This is why we need to connect our primary and secondary dealers to our members. However, behind a dealer is an individual, a store, who wakes the attention of retail customers and continues to buy things. Therefore, if we face traditional enterprises, we are a system that can open up the relationship between superiors and subordinates in all directions, 95% of enterprises should choose this model. If this is not the case, of course, if they do retail, there is also our store manager model. The so-called store manager is our dealer. Why, it is our store manager. Only 10% of the people come to sell goods. It is necessary for these people to constantly awaken the 90% of the people. Therefore, there needs to be a store manager model to make an upgrade system and the performance appraisal system to rise all the way, or he will have no motivation. These people are the ones we want to motivate, It's a false proposition to give all these profits to retailers, which means that our current social e-commerce can't do it. This logic is here, so we designed the store manager model, which doesn't take goods, but encourages 10% of people to start a business. Although they don't take goods, at the same time, the store manager is a person, and behind people is a store, He wakes up the purchase of members through social networking and through various ways such as social networking, and so on. Otherwise, the person will cancel the official account or forget it.

The place of vision is the place of interest. The most important thing is that you can attract the attention of others. Taobao and Alibaba bought so many shares, and all kinds of investments and shares, microblog and Sina, are to seize the media and everyone's attention. UC and traffic are fighting for flow. The essence of business is traffic, which is to seize this attention, Now the attention is provided by the person who provides it. However, it must be that wholesale must be what grade and what goods to take. Why can some Huizhou merchants do it and some can't do it? Most wechat merchants are dozens of times larger than the retail industry chain, because there is a very important logic, The logic of how much money, what discount, what grade, and what goods to take is very important. Emphasize that this logic is very, very important. How much money, how much discount, why, why some wechat merchants can't do it, because all of them can take the same goods at the same price. For example, now I sell them to you in wechat stores, But in fact, you can enjoy the same price through micro stores, right? If so, I'm embarrassed to earn your money, because I don't have the threshold to get this qualification, I'll just tell you to get it myself. Right? I'm embarrassed to earn your money, but if I spend tens of thousands, 100000, 50% off, Today, you ask me for goods and I earn your money. It should be because I have investment. I crossed the threshold and enjoyed the qualification of low discount. This is business, which is natural, because I paid a price and got the privilege at a great price. I am at ease. And many wholesale have no threshold, and I'm embarrassed to earn your money, because I also have no threshold. Therefore, this is very important. The price system is the lifeline, which is the lifeline. Therefore, finally, the core part of opening up the chain is that behind the dealer is the wechat, and behind the wechat is the individual. In fact, the most important core subject is: people, leaving the subject, Everything is empty talk and nothing.

Let's analyze the current retail industry:

1. In fact, we are all sharing a cake, but now more and more people are sharing the cake in the retail industry, and each enterprise gets less and less share. In a small circle, if you can't share the cake, or the cake can't support you and your enterprise, it's better to make a cake by yourself.

2. Qualification. We are all fighting a qualification war. As mentioned earlier, the key point is the level of goods, level setting and threshold setting. What level takes goods at what price, such as train tickets, air tickets, economy warehouses and first-class warehouses, the price is different, the treatment is different, and you can enjoy what service you have, no matter what you do, They are all striving for a qualification and striving for excellent qualification.

3. Why not buy yours? Why not buy others? Is it because of the absolute advantage of your product? Is it a personal relationship with people, or is your product just showing up at the node you want to buy? At least one point should hit the key of others' thinking, so that you can stabilize your position and the position of your products.

Let's think about how to do it and how to start to solve the problems we face.

1. Conceptualization should have cultural connotation (supported by ideas, stories, scenes, culture, etc.). Now people like to pretend to be B. It depends on who pretends to be smarter, and then guide others to pretend to be smarter. If you clearly know that you are pretending to be B, you will support you and follow you, then you will not be far from success, or even success. Of course, B should also have strength.

2. Drainage is very simple, but online and offline conversion and transaction conversion are carried out through marketing tools and means such as system + activities. Choosing the right tool can get twice the result with half the effort.

3. Demographic dividend. The current retail industry has very meager profits. The compression of costs and channels will inevitably lead to the compression of profits. In the past, saving costs can increase the proportion of profits, but now it can't, because the market competition is fierce and the price war has never stopped. So the demographic dividend is less and less, or even disappear. Innovation in channels and modes will emerge one after another.

4. Single customer value vs traffic scale. A product should not only be of high quality and low price, but also identify accurate customers, not only in the volume of traffic, but also in quality. Of course, you can cast a net all over the river, focus on training, and quantitative change can also lead to qualitative change, but in essence, you should know what kind of customers you target and what consumer group your product is aimed at.

5. Customers' repurchase rate. Now retail is not only about products and customers' connection, but also to strengthen customers' fission and repurchase. Only in this way can the network be dense, firm and firm.

6. New (key), strange and excellent products should directly hit the customer's pain points, and the mode and playing method should win by surprise.

7. The most important core: people. All human competition is the competition of thinking. The core lies in people. People are the node of all things.

8. Goods, that is, products, represent the image and reputation of the company and dealers. Choose the right goods, not the cheap ones. If the goods can't be sold, they are rubbish no matter how cheap they are.

9. System: it is the central pillar and an irreplaceable system.

Every wechat is like an offline store. It constantly wakes up superficial and potential members and customers to buy and attract attention. Like some dealers now, there are 10000 agents below. The company has sent a new message. What activities have been going on for seconds, even if each person radiates 100 people, it is one million. Think about this base and probability, Because they awaken the attention of retail customers, there are activities and some characteristic things to awaken, so in this platform, products obtain customers, stimulate your customers through your unique characteristics, unique competitiveness, cost performance, brand, etc., and manage our agents through this store manager model or this hierarchical mechanism, This proposition is established. Then, in the future, these people and agents can all play the role of offline stores or stores in stores. Stores in stores put experience equipment offline. Then, online and offline inventory can be opened, and their own cloud created inventory can be opened. This thing is established. This is a market of 100 billion and trillion. It's so simple. I'm talking about software, This industrial chain is a market of tens of trillions, huge and immeasurable. For example, all stores in all places in China will have the scene of store in store. Why has UAV and office room retail started? Yesterday, I found that the wine warehouse and Moren wine warehouse are a huge market, which is a huge change, such as a nuclear bomb.

Let's take care of the performance. First, payment. Then, performance management, profit distribution, inventory opening, logistics. Yes, now, makeup Xiaomu, a customer came yesterday. He has dozens of stores. The store in store model. The core model is: store in store.

I gave you the goods directly. How to straighten out the inventory, marketing, performance and revenue in the future? We also made store in store + store, product manager, manager and regional manager. According to the promotion reward, this is our core. Then, including our product QR code, it is related together. What we want to say today is the upgraded version of Xishang technology jubaozan system, strong technical support, perfect humanized design, support socialized distribution, dealers, stores and wechat distribution, integrate all online and offline marketing systems, open up seven channels and eight channels of enterprises, and create a new era of retail industry.

Without systematic support, any marketing can't fly high and go far. Just like there used to be a very popular game: Plants vs. Zombies. Many people have played it, and those who haven't played it have also heard of it. In the front level, they may be able to pass the level through tactics, but in the end, if there is no strategic support, they will Ko in less than a few seconds. Therefore, system equipment is the lifeblood of an enterprise. Many enterprises fought a wrong war on the wrong battlefield and died in the end.

We need to clarify three lines:

1. Dealer - retailer - wechat - store;

2. Payment performance supply chain logistics;

3. The shopping action awakens the people behind the tools, but also integrates these three lines and opens up the retail channels. In the final analysis, the strategic layout depends on the system, and the ultimate core competitiveness is people.

All said, WeChat and public official account is a false proposition. We need our system.

Neoole Group Co., Ltd.
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TEL: + 86 20 88835055
Email: info@neooleglobal.com
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