Small program live broadcast 4 hours, sales breaking 25 million, how does Mengjie home textile grow?

For the first large-scale single live broadcast, the 4-hour sales exceeded 25 million yuan, and the number of visitors has exceeded 600000. How did Mengjie home textile do it? What are the reasons behind the achievements? What plans will follow for live broadcasting and smart retail? Yibang enterprise service platform communicated with Li Jing, CEO of Mengjie group.

3.14 live broadcasting strategy: Community diversion, selection classification, three-tier force

Li Jing told Yibang enterprise service platform that in general, more than 3000 community diversion + wechat live applet interactions and then carrying sales through Mengjie's one room good goods platform tools are the main live broadcasting idea of Mengjie home textile this time.

The strategy is set, and the next step is the selection. In terms of selection, Li Jing said that the live broadcast of Mengjie home textile has two considerations: one is the form of gift + second kill, which mainly takes into account the factors of gathering popularity. The gifts include watches, stereos, mobile phones and other household life and scientific and technological products loved by young people, so as to ensure the activity of the whole live broadcast.

The other is that the live broadcast products are divided into four levels: low-cost, medium and low-cost, medium and high-end products. Because the live broadcast duration is long, the rhythm and strategy of which level of products need to be different in what time period. For example, to drive sales, products with relatively low price and high cost performance are required, which account for about 70% of the live broadcast sales.

"The theme of our live broadcast is that ten thousand people fight together to rob factories. The price performance of goods is high, and the decision-making speed and purchase speed of consumers are very high. In the future, we will make different live sales according to the grades and grades of Mengjie's different products. "

At the level of implementation strategy, Li Jing disclosed to Yibang enterprise service platform that she mainly made efforts in three aspects: before live broadcast, during live broadcast and assistance from external communities.

Live the pre purchase guide community to transform offline purchasing power into online. In the early stage of the whole live broadcast, Mengjie's franchisee store shopping guide developed the community. Shopping guide and consumers are one-to-one, and the quality of such sales method is relatively high. Shopping guides can let members of their own operating community see live content and goods, so that they can quickly make transactions in the community. On the day of the live broadcast, 3000 communities were synchronized. With the help of store shopping guides, the offline purchasing power was quickly transformed into online, so that users formed greater coverage and relatively high stickiness. Sharing live broadcast content and one-on-one introduction of shopping guides in the community have improved the transaction probability of this live broadcast.

During the live broadcast, the community is managed at different levels and under the unified command of the headquarters. Starting from the headquarters, to the central command group, to the regional community in charge of the operation center, and finally to the group management of each store, the instructions are transmitted synchronously, and each group responds quickly. The community activity is improved by means of "group lottery + red envelope". At the same time, each community shares interactive activities and group scripts, creating a good atmosphere and rhythm.

Cooperate with external communities to introduce live water flow. One is Mengjie's headquarters, which cooperates with other business groups, such as Wangfujing, Tianhong and other Mengjie's long-term partners, to cooperate with their communities and report to the group for heating; The other is the franchisee level. Through the integration of local resources, franchisees in various cities introduce some community resources replaced by relevant franchisees such as female consumption and home consumption.

At the same time, the anchor team of Mengjie live broadcast also has a strong lineup. Through the combination of Group CEO, brand general manager, product designer and TV shopping host, it takes into account the interest and professionalism of live broadcast content.

Summary of experience: preliminary test + upper and lower coordination, achievement sharing

In Li Jing's eyes, the live broadcast achieved better than expected results, and the viewing, interaction and transaction reached a new high. The final sales reached 25.33 million yuan. Looking back at the reasons behind such achievements, Li Jing concluded that Mengjie adopted two secrets.

The first secret is to promote the test before the live broadcast. Li Jing told Yibang enterprise service platform that Mengjie home textile took about 10 days to prepare. During the March 8th Festival, it also conducted blasting tests in each store and franchisee community. At the same time, three days before the live broadcast, Mengjie team warmed up in each community and maintained the activity of each group through red envelopes and interaction.

The second secret is the collaboration between franchisees and shopping guides. According to Yibang enterprise service platform, this live broadcast, from Mengjie to franchisees, has determined the coordination mechanism, and everyone has the same goal and method.

"In the special period of the epidemic, the live + community is adopted as a new marketing method, and the franchisees also actively participate in it, hoping to create a good operation method with the headquarters. At the same time, we have also conducted advanced training for the franchisees, established a core wisdom group, and conducted unified training and method transmission for store group owners and regional group owners." Li Jing shared.

In other words, the live broadcast of Mengjie home textile this time adopts the mode initiated by Mengjie headquarters, in which all franchise stores, franchisees and shopping guides jointly participate in publicity, sales and sub performance, so that we can work together and share results.

For example, franchisees, Mengjie home textile's online "one room good goods" applet cloud warehouse mode enables all franchisees to have the ability to go to the cloud, open an exclusive online applet mall, and share the SKU library and marketing activities of Mengjie home textile headquarters.

Li Jing told Yibang enterprise service platform that during the live broadcast of Mengjie headquarters, a user purchases goods through a franchise store or store guide, and there are also two ways of benefit distribution. One is that if the franchisee stores have the commodity, the commodity is shipped from the store, and the performance belongs to the store; The other is that if the franchisee's store does not have the commodity, it will be delivered by the headquarters, and the franchisee will settle with Mengjie's headquarters.

For example, during the warm-up period of the activity, Mengjie home textile creates promotion materials in the background of wechat smart retail. All shopping guides can promote the preheating posters with shopping guide parameters in the circle of friends and communities in the material promotion of wechat merchant assistant app. Customers scan the code and pay attention to the live broadcast. If they buy later, the performance belongs to the shopping guide. During the live broadcast, the shopping guide shares the small program code of the live broadcast room to the circle of friends. If the user purchases, the performance also belongs to the shopping guide.

"Mengjie has adopted two models in establishing the social relationship between customers and shopping guides. Old customers belong to the store guide familiar to customers. The shopping guide realizes the formation of relationship chain with old customers through micro alliance merchant assistant. Regular customers generate consumption, and the shopping guide and its stores obtain corresponding performance. For new customers, the "sharing priority" logic is adopted. The shopping guide with the parameters in the live broadcast poster that new customers first contact, that is, a relationship chain with new customers. The service and performance of new customers in the future belong to the shopping guide. This policy can fully encourage shopping guides to tap new customers for the brand. " Li Jing explained.

Through the above profit sharing methods, Mengjie home textile has completely ignited the enthusiasm of franchisees and shopping guides, and everyone has contributed to the results of this live broadcast.

Get through the live interaction to the closed loop of commodity purchase

In Li Jing's opinion, the achievements of Mengjie home textile live broadcast are inseparable from the assists of Weimeng live broadcast applet. Moreover, it believes that with the impact of the epidemic, the live broadcast of small programs will become an important online marketing channel for the brand.

As a brand, Li Jing said that the live broadcast of small programs has some core advantages. Taking the wechat live broadcast applet used by Mengjie this time as an example, Li Jing described to Yibang enterprise service platform that the first and most important thing is that it is easy to open, and the powerful technical team monitors the traffic in real time, which ensures the viewing fluency of Mengjie users and the stability of the system. Moreover, it has rich marketing interaction functions, including limited time rush purchase, coupons, live broadcast bargaining Diversified marketing interaction methods such as opening gift boxes enhance the selling ability of Mengjie Yiwu Haohuo mall.

Secondly, it has perfect functions, not only recording live broadcast content, generating playback video, improving the repeat purchase of goods, but also providing unique platform, official account, live record, subscription live broadcast, public attention and other functions, so as to help users find more good goods and guide users to become fans of shop official account, so as to realize user retention.

At the same time, the micro alliance live broadcast applet also opens up the solution of micro alliance, which can seamlessly jump to Mengjie Mall for purchase, promote transaction with marketing tools, and help Mengjie open up the closed loop from live interaction to commodity purchase.

"Before the live broadcast, Mengjie seamlessly used the promotion tools of Weimeng to promote on the home page of Mengjie Yiwu Haohuo mall and the community; During the live broadcast, users seamlessly go to Mengjie Yiwu Haohuo mall to place an order, and Mengjie team can also use the time limited discount, n yuan and N pieces of wechat marketing tools to interact with the live broadcast, so as to promote the ordering. " Li Jing explained.

Overall, Li Jing concluded that with the help of a series of solutions and tools such as Weimeng live broadcast applet + shopping guide app + smart retail solution, the fluency of Mengjie live broadcast users' viewing and the smooth transformation from live broadcast viewing to order purchase are ensured. With the help of relevant tools of Weimeng, the overall operation of Mengjie's live broadcast is more efficient.

Live broadcast follow-up planning: realize normalization, fragmentation and classification

It is understood that more than 600000 fans watch the live broadcast of Mengjie home textile online. From the perspective of private domain traffic operation, how to further retain and manage the 600000 fans of this live broadcast is a major problem in the follow-up of Mengjie home textile.

In this regard, Li Jing said that next, Mengjie will bind fans and store shopping guides one-to-one, and do operation and maintenance for customers with and without transactions. With the help of the material design of Mengjie's products, consumers are attracted to return to the small program for re purchase.

In addition, Meng Jie will also help to spread, interact and fission of users through the combination of the "official account + WeChat group + friends circle" and other social contacts with the help of live broadcasting tools. Through this way, we can further transform the private traffic into private users, and create a stronger user relationship to facilitate the two consumption. Complete the closed-loop operation of Mengjie's one-stop private domain traffic.

After achieving such results, what plans will Mengjie home textile have for live broadcasting? Li Jing told Yibang enterprise service platform that next, Mengjie's live broadcast will be normalized and fragmented.

"Normalization" means that Mengjie often connects customers by means of live broadcasting; Fragmentation means that on the one hand, Mengjie will do layered live broadcasting for different customer groups, adjust the rhythm and do more accurate marketing activities according to different consumption habits, and on the other hand, it will do live broadcasting for different stores and different franchisees. " Li Jing revealed.

Since this year, the spread of COVID-19 has caused a lot of blow to retail enterprises. How to survive has become the most concerned problem. However, for Mengjie home textile, its core strategy implemented in the past two years has played a great role in this special period. Through a series of actions such as cloud warehouse cooperation, commodity development and community operation, Mengjie home textile has realized counter trend growth, which is Mengjie's smart retail strategy. Smart retail strategy enables Mengjie to realize the sharing of goods, logistics, content and data.

The senior management of Mengjie group attaches great importance to the smart retail strategy. According to Yibang enterprise service platform, in early 2019, Mengjie established a smart retail department, launched a wechat applet represented by "one room good goods", and established a "Mengjie smart retail University". At the same time, it cooperated with Tencent smart retail to popularize the operation methodology of smart retail to all stores and franchisees.

Home furnishing smart retailing 2 strategy was launched in February 2020. Meng Jie will focus on building a "one kilometer home consumption service ecosystem", that is, multi line layout, online application of small programs, official account numbers, community, shopping guide operation and other means to accurately cover the surrounding one kilometre passenger group.

In this exchange with Yibang enterprise service platform, Li Jing said that next, Mengjie will continue to deepen the smart retail strategy, adhere to the use of wechat smart retail methods and capabilities, empower Mengjie offline stores through wechat system tools, and plant Mengjie's smart retail thinking in Mengjie offline stores and shopping guides, Let them become professionals of Mengjie omni-channel smart retail. For franchisees, in addition to integrating Mengjie's various resources and regional advantages to empower them, Mengjie insists on how to let franchisees master the playing methods of smart retail.

"For example, in addition to the playing method of hierarchical grouping at the headquarters, Mengjie will pay attention to how to improve the live broadcasting ability and content ability of the store." Li Jing gave an example.

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