How to solve the increasingly serious security risks after retail goes to the cloud?

Standing at the beginning of the new generation in 2020, looking back on the retail year of 2019, we had a heated discussion on consumption degradation and consumption classification. We also saw that pinduoduo, the main battlefield of the sinking market, made the sinking business potential public. There are many new ways to play in the retail industry. While e-commerce is sinking hand in hand, offline physical retail shows signs of recovery. The landing of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5g and the Internet of things has also redefined the "people", "goods" and "field" of traditional retail.

Redefinition of "people", "goods" and "yard"

At the human level, the transformation from consumer thinking to user thinking has promoted the further mining of data value. More and more retailers begin to try big data accurate customer acquisition and intelligent marketing; At the level of goods, establish a pure digital supply chain management system, increase the connection capacity of goods in the form of "one thing and one code", optimize supply from the perspective of the demand side and promote the balance between supply and demand; At the field level, breaking through the boundaries of business space and platform, coordinating online and offline, and marketing anytime and anywhere has gradually become a reality. Whether it is accurate customer acquisition, demand forecasting, or supply chain management, retail digitization has become an irreversible trend, which is not only the improvement of management efficiency, but also the optimization of marketing efficiency and user experience.

Data is the foundation of digitization. How to efficiently manage online and offline data? How to use big data to accurately judge consumer demand and formulate goods supply strategy, so as to effectively improve the conversion rate? At present, the digital development based on cloud platform is a correct path. Indeed, the increasingly mature cloud service in China is rapidly promoted in the retail industry as an infrastructure. With cloud computing and AI, retailers can more accurately understand "people" - consumer portraits and preferences, "goods" - commodity pricing and supply strategies, and "field" - Business District observation and store operation, which greatly enhances the accuracy and efficiency of business decisions.

Security concerns in the cloud

But at the same time, after the computing resources are migrated to the cloud, due to the more complex environment on the cloud and the more fuzzy boundary, new changes have taken place in the ideas and methods of data security protection. Recently, the frequently exposed user data security problems have also sounded an alarm for the data management of the retail industry. In a sense, security is not only a management problem, but also a challenging technical problem.

In the past few years, even large Internet companies have inevitably been plagued by data security problems. For example, in early 2018, it was reported that more than 50 million user data of Facebook were illegally embezzled, which once caused a strong brand trust crisis among the public and exacerbated users' panic about personal data and privacy protection.

User data, on the one hand, may pose a greater threat to the security of business data in the retail industry. As reported earlier: on December 17, 2008, Starbucks launched the "Starbucks app registration newcomer gift" marketing campaign, which was attacked by the Black Gray Wool party on a large scale; They used a large number of mobile phone numbers to register the false account of Starbucks app and successfully received activity coupons, resulting in the cessation of Starbucks' marketing activities in two days. Coincidentally, in the early morning of January 20, 2019, the Black Gray Wool party used the bug of a large e-commerce platform "no threshold 100 yuan voucher" to collect wool, resulting in huge capital losses.

In February 2019, vfemail, an American mail service provider, suffered a malicious attack by hackers, and all core business data was stolen and deleted, eventually leading to the closure of vfemail.

There are similar cases in China. Taojiji, founded in 2018, has been attacked by hackers since its launch, such as server attack paralysis, malicious tampering with platform rules and transaction data. Finally, taojiji ended up in bankruptcy.

In the age of data assets, similar events are numerous. According to the statistics of risk based security, in the first half of 2019 alone, 3813 data breaches occurred worldwide, with 4.1 billion pieces of data being disclosed. Relevant reports show that cybercrime causes an average loss of about US $445 billion to the global economy every year, of which the average domestic loss due to cybercrime is US $60 billion every year.

Network and data security is always a sharp blade hanging in the retail industry. How to solve it?

"Using force" is the most preferred

From a technical point of view, artificial intelligence technologies including deep learning and NLP are providing new solutions to the above security problems. Specifically, the intelligent risk control system is to sort out a large number of security threat cases, use deep learning to establish models, monitor and find threat events in real time, so as to effectively early warning or automatic processing.

In the retail field, as mentioned above, retailers need to face not only the security of targeted user basic data, but also many complex business scenario security problems, such as promotion and innovation, order management and transaction payment, supply chain commodity management, etc. the risk control model of specific business scenario needs specific intelligence data as support, Industry risk control is becoming more and more refined, which is the trend of industry development. However, in this process, only relying on the enterprise's own technology and experience accumulation is often not enough to deal with various new security needs and problems after going to the cloud, and it is even difficult to bear the consequences of "close combat" with a large number of wool parties with advanced technology. Choosing to cooperate with cloud providers with native security construction and rich security experience to build a security architecture based on smart retail scenarios on the cloud should become a necessary option for the cloud of retail e-commerce business.

As a representative of exploring the digital transformation of retailers, Carrefour announced its "100 day performance data" report card. In the three major promotions of "National Day Golden Week", "double 11" and "New Year's festival", only double 11 Carrefour's cumulative sales reached 3.12 billion, a year-on-year increase of 43%.

But Carrefour has also suffered "dark losses". In the 19-year e-commerce promotion 618, Carrefour online shopping malls encountered a fierce attack on black products during the carefully planned super long promotion period from 520 to 628. Its internal staff said in an interview, "it has never been so hard, and so have the battles of Verdun meat grinder and Iwo Jima, which were the worst in World War I and World War II." The proliferation of SMS interfaces, crawler attacks, server paralysis... As well as the guerrilla harassment of the wool party and the crazy collection of cash coupons and coupons have given Carrefour a headache. According to the judgment of Carrefour security team, the attack they encountered was an organized and planned targeted attack.

How to break through? Carrefour team chose Tencent cloud as a comrade in arms to jointly snipe black property. On June 10, Tencent cloud and Carrefour built a defense system with "big data + AI engine". The first layer of tactics is "encirclement and support" -- Carrefour introduces Tencent cloud's security products in response to an endless variety of security attacks, and combines the three elements of security technology, business logic and preferential profit transfer into a "bait" for black and gray products. Once it is hooked, it will be sniped immediately. The second layer is the "anti wool party" - Tencent cloud's AI engine can accurately identify false users and cheating, and intercept the wool party in real time in scenarios such as ticket grabbing, second kill and lucky draw“ In the first half, we were beaten black and blue, and in the second half, we finally turned defeat into victory. " Carrefour safety team will give feedback after the promotion.

Carrefour is not an example. Every time there are major promotional activities, safety problems always emerge one after another. Based on Tencent's 20 years of security operation experience and AI engine, Tencent cloud has successively provided marketing risk control, anti brushing, anti-counterfeiting and other security services for mainstream e-commerce customers such as Carrefour and vipshop, as well as retail customers such as Mengniu. In the first half of 2019 alone, Tencent cloud has helped enterprises save 9.3 billion yuan in marketing expenses. In addition, for the pain points of various security problems concurrent at major nodes, Tencent cloud also provides key security services throughout the process to help retail enterprises improve their ability to resist intensive network attacks.

Behind the peak traffic is the reception, processing and storage of massive transaction data and consumer personal information. For this, Tencent cloud can provide protection for each stage of the whole life cycle of retail enterprise data by comprehensively using data security management experience and data protection technology. According to the latest China Internet cloud technology patent analysis report, Tencent ranks first in the industry in the number of patent applications in the field of security technology and big data. Among them, the number of patent applications in the security field reached 1599, leading the second place by 32%, reflecting the solid security hardware strength of Tencent cloud.

Tencent cloud is not only a "shield" to protect information security, data stability, attacks and the risk of loss of marketing funds, but also a "spear" to purify the authenticity of data and provide effective marketing support.

In traditional retail stores, Tencent cloud has cooperated with well-known retail and catering enterprises such as Zhou Heiya, Carrefour, pizza hut, Yonghui, lingzhi fashion, pizza hut, Mengniu, Belle International and mec international to build "smart stores"; Join hands to shake off the baby, escort social e-commerce and jointly explore the road of retail digital evolution. At the same time, it also cooperates with Yonghui life, super species and other brand stores to improve users' store shopping experience, capture users' moving lines and shopping preferences, and achieve panoramic consumption insight through face recognition payment. Smart supermarkets, smart stores, smart shopping, smart FMCG and other industry solutions are being applied by more and more retail enterprises. The data-based operation taking into account security has also effectively helped retail enterprises optimize their management. Take the Shenzhen Futian coco Park Nike store under Belle International as an example. After the introduction of Tencent cloud, the overall operation data has been significantly improved.

Retail has a long way to go in the cloud. Data security and business security are becoming important issues in the digital transformation of enterprises. Reliable cutting-edge technologies and professional cloud services that help the industry deeply and build a security foundation are the best choices for retail enterprises at present.

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