Is it difficult to do business in offline stores? Efficient drainage and improving repurchase rate only need a few key steps

The development of the Internet has brought about changes in people's lifestyle, and the business pattern has also entered the stage of reshuffle, resulting in the development of many traditional offline physical stores becoming more and more difficult. However, in the cold winter of the real economy, several families are happy and several families are worried. Some are facing the crisis of closing stores, and some sales hit new highs. Offline business is not really difficult to do. How can others drain efficiently?

Set up an online mall to drain online and improve the repurchase rate

Impacted by the e-commerce platform, the customer source of offline stores has become scattered, while the traffic cost of large platform e-commerce such as tmall xiaohongshu is very high, and the user loyalty is not high. Enterprises need to realize the importance of self built mall to master passenger flow and precipitate super users. By opening an online mall, the new and old customers of the store can be led online, the enterprise's own member database can be established, relying on the online mall and user resources, diversified marketing can be carried out, new users can be developed, old members can be precipitated, omni-channel and all scene customer marketing can be realized, and the repurchase rate can be improved.

Break the traditional store pattern around customer experience

Traditional stores mainly display goods and sell goods. Under the new retail background, the traditional store form is obviously not enough to attract customers, create a new retail store with a new business model centered on customer experience, and realize the transformation and upgrading of traditional retail stores. New retail emphasizes "the first mock exam", pays more attention to customer experience, and takes offline offline collection under the online single line, and experiences offline online multiple online and offline integration modes. It reaches the two-way diversion under the online and offline mode, breaking the traditional store's single mode limitation.

Talent shopping guide, Omni channel member marketing

In the past, the shopping guide in traditional stores was mainly waiting for customers. Only when customers arrived, the shopping guide could be used. Developing talent shopping guides and part-time shopping guides is also what we often call social shopping guides. Let enterprise users become sellers at the same time. Part time shopping guides promote commodities through distribution, sharing and other channels to obtain additional income; Enterprises attract users for social fission and sharing through gift certificates or commissions, precipitate private domain users while draining, and improve user loyalty.

Shenzhen baiyougou is a cross-border e-commerce platform focusing on providing global high-quality products. At present, it has 10 stores across the country. Based on the integrated and one-stop shopping mode of "online cross-border business platform + offline store service", baiyougou has opened up online and offline channels, and the member repurchase rate is as high as 70%.

Through the upgrading and transformation of stores, baiyougou broke the traditional store model and set up coffee shops and baking rooms, so that the stores are no longer limited to shopping, but a social and sharing space, so that consumers have a refreshing shopping experience.

It has improved the shopping experience of the store. Baiyougou also actively constructs its own mall app, actively grasps the source of customers and precipitates super members. The offline customers will be led online through 1 yuan exchange. For the private domain members in the app, the users will be kept active through a variety of marketing activities such as weekly special price commodities, point exchange, bargain group and limited time spike. At the same time, the re purchase rate of customers will reach 70%, realizing the retail closed loop of online and offline integration.

To achieve the performance growth of stores, we need to effectively pull new. Baiyougou develops talent shopping guide based on app function. Store shopping guide and consumers can open stores with one click and put on the goods on baiyougou platform. Merchants will set whether the goods can be distributed and set the distribution Commission of the goods. Shopping guide can promote and expand American stores in the circle of friends, or share goods and facilitate transactions based on the social circle of friends, And then get a sales commission. Talent shopping guides realize entrepreneurship and income increase, while stores realize innovation and flow realization.

Neoole Group Co., Ltd.
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