Technology empowerment, how to achieve efficient operation in the new retail era?

With the rise and development of e-commerce platform, the traditional retail industry has experienced a downturn for a long time. However, with the development of the Internet and the advancement of technology, the retail industry is broken and then established. New retail came into being and has become a hot industry at present. Compared with traditional retail, the new retail has more different ways to play, and the purpose is to obtain efficient operation different from traditional retail. Then, how can new retail improve operation efficiency?

Enabling technology to enhance user experience

The most important thing in retail is user experience. The retail industry should know how to use scientific and technological empowerment to improve user experience and improve business efficiency.

In the traditional e-commerce and retail industries, dividends are exhausted and the cost of obtaining customers remains high. Enterprises urgently need to break through the bottleneck and find new revenue growth points. The retail industry needs to be empowered by science and technology to develop in the direction of informatization, digitization and intelligence.

The new retail era is different from traditional retail. The concept of people and goods yard is reconstructed and upgraded. When studying the consumer behavior mode, enterprises need to comprehensively simulate and think about the user's consumption habits and modes, accurately locate the user's demands, improve the user experience and obtain customers efficiently.

Take red star Macalline as an example. As a retailer in the home furnishing industry, red star Macalline has made continuous innovation and transformation in recent years and carried out a number of innovative technologies, such as building an intelligent marketing platform to bring all brands together so that customers can have the opportunity to find the goods they want; The offline mall is restored one by one through the camera, and the virtual shopping technology is used to enable customers to visit the mall at home at any time, which not only improves the user experience, but also improves the operation efficiency of the company.

People oriented, let users operate users

With the development of new retailing, the people and freight yard of traditional retailing has also changed. People are the core, open up all channels and scenes, and reconstruct people and freight yard. Deeply tap user value, create an accurate marketing system, improve user retention rate and repurchase rate, and carry out fission promotion or community marketing to allow users to operate users, reduce enterprise marketing costs, precipitate super users, efficiently obtain new users, and realize the efficient operation of retail enterprises.

Taking Ruixing coffee as an example, Ruixing reconstructed its business model from the data of "people and goods yard". Ruixing adheres to the integration mode of "takeout + self delivery" and "Online + online" to create a full scene operation. At the same time, by placing an order through Ruixing app, users are used to carry out various fission marketing and promotion: the first cup is free, buy two get one free, buy five get five free; Friends download apps through sharing links, get a complimentary drink and other modes to reshape the user's identity, so that users are not only consumers, but also promoters.

On the other hand, in the new retail era, the "content + marketing + e-commerce" model has risen, and the value of Koc has been reflected. Each Koc has its own private domain traffic, huge traffic blessing and precipitated social relations, which has opened up a rich realization path for Koc and enterprises. By building a Koc in line with the enterprise's positioning, retail enterprises can quickly achieve low-cost customer acquisition and long-term user operation.

Thousands of people, thousands of faces, output refinement scheme

The new retail era requires the application of new technologies to obtain continuous interaction with consumers and in-depth insight into consumers, reduce customer acquisition costs, improve user retention and improve user loyalty through data-driven refined operation.

Take advantage of big data to fully understand the basic characteristics of commodities; Through various sensing technologies, offline retail stores can obtain the number of customers entering the store every day, gender, purchase preference, passenger flow in each period, real-time sales data, etc., and fully control the store operation data; By building a membership system, retail enterprises can collect and understand members' online and offline personal data, shopping preferences, purchase cycle, frequency and other behavioral data, and build a fine membership database to achieve the purpose of precision marketing and better retain users.

Taking Yintai department store as an example, in 2017, Yintai began to establish a digital member system. So far, it has achieved the connection between Yintai digital system and Ali member system, and completed the digitization of 3 million customers, which means identifiable, accessible and accurate services. Meanwhile, through cooperation with ALI and big data selection, Yintai has achieved the operational advantages of opening up the whole scene, commodity digitization and the same price online and offline.

The new retail era is to take consumers as the core, meet the needs of users from the aspects of people, goods and market, and make consumers' experience faster, more convenient and more valuable. With the rapid development of the Internet, neither traditional e-commerce platforms nor retail enterprises can fully meet the needs of users. Only on the basis of traditional retail can they change, innovate, actively transform, open up the all-channel and all scene operation mode of people and goods yard and realize efficient operation.

Neoole Group Co., Ltd.
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