New retail e-commerce ecosystem development, high efficiency and synergy, cost saving and efficiency increasing

With the rise of e-commerce, the subversive impact of the traditional retail industry on the whole business ecosystem has not been noticed. The e-commerce platforms represented by Taobao and JD have begun to break ground. What we see is that new retail entrants use new technologies to carry out relevant new retail experiments. From the layout of Ali and JD in the new retail direction, these new technologies are expected to replace Internet technology and become the key to promote the development of the industry in the future. The new retail will open an all-round development era.

What about the new retail e-commerce ecological platform?

1. Online and offline + accurate big data to promote personalized global marketing

By mastering a large amount of customer data, entity enterprises can divide customers into basic attributes, equipment and labels. Help businesses complete the personalized promotion of the whole region and carry out precision marketing. In other words, global marketing is an all link, all media, all data and all channel intelligent marketing model based on the new retail system with consumer operation as the core and data as the energy.

2. Three elements of helping new retail reconstruct human and freight yard

How did the new retail store rebuild the "people and goods yard"? The core is the consumer experience, and data is the driving force. Back to the essence of retail to see the new retail, we need to complete the reconstruction of people, things and fields in the process of the integration of three business elements and the reconstruction of user experience. But to do this, people, goods and fields must be digitized. Increase the consumer experience and optimize the process by connecting online and offline data.

3. Keep up with the general trend of online and offline integration

New retail is also retail, which must return to the essence of retail. That is: user is the root and service is the foundation. In the final analysis, the integration of online and offline interaction is the change of means and methods, which does not change the essence of "retail = Service + product", and the user is the final judge. Whether the future new retail can really develop in the long run depends on the market development trend and the two essence of the retail industry: service quality and consumer demand. Online and offline integration is the general trend, and only by doing well in commodity management and customer service can we truly base ourselves on the market and win the future.

The new retail market has superior structure, wide market coverage and head players rush

The Internet is about to enter the second half. The market dividend of "making money lying down" relying solely on network penetration is decreasing. Head players focus on offline. Through the new retail e-commerce platform of digital business cloud, various marketing and interactive scenarios are combined to help offline stores realize data and intelligence, break the original boundaries and realize "no boundaries" of business.

Development function module of new retail e-commerce ecosystem of digital commerce cloud:

1. Distribution and wholesale functions:

B2C wholesale agent function; Unlimited distribution and three-level profit sharing; User defined dividend rules; Distribution team management; Powder absorption distribution; Multiple setting methods of distribution price; Custom distribution level; 3 + N distribution competition system; Promotion material management; Wechat business card management; The official account, the small program, the micro-blog, the whole network distribution; Distribution points system; Fission distribution and promotion; Distribution name, personalized definition, etc. more distribution functions are being developed.

2. Applet functions:

Dozens of templates; A variety of color themes; Share circle of friends posters; Template message notification; Applet customer service; Nearly 10 kinds of small programs; Group fission system; Distribution fission system; Tourism distribution; Sale of virtual goods.

3. Multiple clients such as app:

Store management app; Single store app; Comprehensive mall app; The official account is supported. Connect with microblog; Docking space; Platform mall; Multi City switching.

4. Commodity order Finance:

Connect with multiple ERP; Taobao commodity import; Amoy password support; The payment method is comprehensive; 18 kinds of express companies; Express logistics model setting; Freight template settings; Connect with dada and send it to the city; Perfect distribution mode; Print template settings; Automatically print express orders; Docking with express face list function; Perfect delivery function; Perfect reconciliation system; Unified online and offline data.

5. Store:

Store cashier; Employee performance appraisal; Integrated weighing equipment; Multi store o2o system; Store independent app; Multi store lbs positioning; Store independent cashier; Multi store intra city distribution; Template message and app SMS notification; Employee role permission customization; Inventory allocation of different stores; Perfect delivery function.

6. Member related:

Points mall; Member recharge; Recharge gift; Promote and share points; Membership level; Membership privileges: discounts, postage, points; Bonus points; Coupons are issued to members.

New retail o2o platform solution:

1. Promotion methods: relying on new and diversified promotion methods to realize multiple drainage. For example: shopping guide and drainage mode; Social communication to realize fission marketing; Online alliance.

2. Sales management: build a sales management system to improve sales efficiency. Thousands of stores, thousands of noodles, promotional activities; Incentive system, full reduction of cards and bonds, etc.

3. Member marketing: diversified member marketing methods to enhance customer stickiness. Membership level; Membership points; Membership cards and coupons; Member management, etc.

4. Supply chain collaboration: rely on system collaboration to help businesses de inventory and increase turnover. Rely on ERP and app to realize the integration of online order picking.

5. Service content: establish and improve the service system to make customers' shopping experience perfect.

The digital commerce cloud new retail e-commerce ecosystem develops and utilizes innovative technologies such as big data and cloud computing to form the concept of new retail in the future. Help enterprises build a new retail model of mutual drainage between online and offline; Control all aspects of marketing, membership and data. The source code can be developed to realize personalized global marketing and break the borderless business.

Neoole Group Co., Ltd.
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